Changelog Report

Total number of change sets: 1

Changes between 2007-03-30 and 2007-04-30

Total Commits: 8 Total Number of Files Changed: 30

Date Author File/Message
2007-04-29 10:34:51 Benoit Xhenseval

/trunk/statsvn.bat v 129

relocated svn repo.
2007-04-29 10:27:45 Benoit Xhenseval

/trunk/JTreeMap/pom.xml v 128

/trunk/JTreeMap/project.xml v 128

/trunk/KTreeMap/pom.xml v 128

/trunk/KTreeMap/project.xml v 128

/trunk/common-build/project.xml v 128

relocate svn repo to due to a SF bug for tagging.
2007-04-29 10:23:23 Benoit Xhenseval

/trunk/KTreeMap/qalab.xml v 127

/trunk/src/site/press/press-release-1.1.0.txt v 127

About to tag.
2007-04-29 10:11:55 Benoit Xhenseval

/trunk/JTreeMap/qalab.xml v 126

/trunk/KTreeMap/qalab.xml v 126

/trunk/src/site/index.xml v 126

/trunk/src/site/press/press-release-1.1.0.txt v 126

prepare release.
2007-04-29 10:02:34 Benoit Xhenseval

/trunk/JTreeMap/pom.xml v 125

/trunk/JTreeMap/qalab.xml v 125

/trunk/KTreeMap/pom.xml v 125

/trunk/KTreeMap/qalab.xml v 125

/trunk/pom.xml v 125

/trunk/src/site/index.xml v 125

/trunk/src/site/navigation.xml v 125

Provide basic M2 build to help deploying in maven repository.
2007-04-06 22:16:54 Benoit Xhenseval

/trunk/src/site/index.xml v 124

/trunk/src/site/navigation.xml v 124

/trunk/src/site/statsvn v 124

/trunk/statsvn.bat v 124

/trunk/ v 124

preparing for release build.
2007-04-06 19:40:54 Benoit Xhenseval

/trunk/JTreeMap/qalab.xml v 123

/trunk/KTreeMap/qalab.xml v 123

/trunk/project.xml v 123

/trunk/src/site/index.xml v 123

/trunk/src/site/navigation.xml v 123

tidy up.
2007-01-21 23:40:11 Benoit Xhenseval

/trunk/common-build/project.xml v 122

Added the new ObjectLab news list for those who may want to receive web alerts of posting about this project.