Package net.sf.jtreemap.ktreemap

Interface Summary
ITreeMapColorProvider IColorProvider for a KTreeMap
ITreeMapProvider Provider of the KTreeMap

Class Summary
KTreeMap Widget who represents each element of a tree in a rectangle of more or less big size according to its importance in the tree.
SplitByNumber Strategy who split the elements in 2 groups of same cardinal.
SplitBySlice Split the treemap by slice
SplitBySortedWeight Strategy who split the elements in 2 groups of equivalent weight.
SplitByWeight Strategy who split the elements in 2 groups of equivalent weight.
SplitSquarified The Squarified split strategy
SplitStrategy Abtract class with the method which split the elements of a KTreeMap.
TreeMapNode Node of a KTreeMap.
TreeMapNodeBuilder Tree builder for a KTreeMap.